Why Biz Stain Fighter is my New Favorite Laundry Detergent #ad


Why Biz Stain Fighter is my New Favorite Laundry Detergent

Laundry is such a pain… It takes so much time to do. And it is a never-ending chore. Seriously, I have no idea how we go through so much laundry in such a short amount of time. It seems as though every time I get it all caught up, the baskets are full again. And the thing I like least about the laundry is cleaning stains. My kids seem to always find something to get into, so I am forever cleaning stains. Paint seems to be the culprit I most often find myself cleaning, but they also tend to get Kool-Aid, juice, and grass stains.

When I was given the opportunity to try out Biz laundry detergent, I was thrilled to put it to the test. I needed something new, because my old detergent just wasn’t doing the job. I tried the Biz Liquid and LOVED it! Everything came out of the wash looking better than ever, and Biz is now my favorite when it comes to a laundry stain fighter. Stains are no problem now that I have a product that will wash stains clean! My whole family’s clothes look great!

Why Biz Stain Fighter is my New Favorite Laundry Detergent

Biz comes in both a liquid and a powder, and can be used as both a regular detergent and as a pre-treat for getting out stains and tough messes. The blend of enzymes in Biz is different from those found in other detergents, making it the best for getting your clothes clean. It gets your white clothes whiter, and your bright clothes brighter! And I’m not just saying that… I have seen it first hand with my own clothes.

The awesome-ness of Biz doesn’t just stop at detergent. You can also get the Biz color safe liquid booster pods that are great for boosting your detergent. I love these because they add a little boost that helps get out even tougher stains. You know those sweat stains in your favorite workout clothes… Biz Laundry Booster Pods are PERFECT for removing them!

Soon, you will also be able to use Biz On-The-Go Pen that is perfect for when you’re out and need a quick clean-up! This product hasn’t been released yet, but when it is, you can bet I will be stocking up! I can’t tell you the number of times I have needed this!

If you haven’t already given Biz a try, I hope you will! I am so glad I found this product, and I think you will be too!

Why Biz Stain Fighter is my New Favorite Laundry Detergent

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