This is Calendar Pack #2 with months in 3 different fonts.
Terms. You can print this out and give it to whoever you like. Print it out for your friends, family, make a calendar from your grandma – whatever. All I ask is that if your friends and family want a copy, you give them this link and have them download it from my site.
You see, the more visitors I have the more money I make and the more money I make the more freebies I can create and giveaway – and hey, you like at least one of these printables so you want me to create more.
The first printable calendar comes from a Creative graphic giant bundle (commercial use) It’s part of a 4000 graphic bundle. I highly recommend checking it out.
The second printable came from a kit. It’s a free download. Have fun!!
At ScrapVine there are several beautiful free kits, but it looks like they are retiring from digi-scrap, so get the kits before they’re gone!
This is todays Printable. Tomorrow there will be more and the next day and so on and so for.