NutriGold Extra Virgin Coconut Oil


From being an excellent oil for heart health to being used for healthy skin and hair, coconut oil is widely known for being greatly beneficial. NutriGold Coconut Oil is a purely natural, organic, extra virgin coconut oil. It is made from fresh coconuts and is cold pressed, ensuring that you get the greatest benefits of the oil.

If you don’t know much about coconut oil, let me tell you; it has some serious benefits. Using it is highly recommended for several reasons. First of all, because of the lauric acid found in the oil, coconut oil is known to help support a healthy immune system. It helps keep you well, and this is an awesome thing right now during cold and flu season, when it seems as though everyone is sick. In addition, studies have shown that coconut oil is a natural source of MCTs, or medium chain triglycerides. These fats have been shown to greatly reduce body fat and increase metabolism, leading to more energy and a healthier body. Coconut oil is also naturally free of cholesterol, so it is better for heart health than other oils. It is lower in calories as well, so if you are working on weight loss and counting your calories, coconut oil may be preferred.

If you ever start cooking and baking with coconut oil, you may find that the flavor is better than that of other cooking oils. Use it for fried foods, sauteing, baking, or for any recipe that calls for the use of oil. Simply replace your vegetable or corn oil with NutriGold Coconut Oil and taste the difference! The smell of coconut oil is fabulous, and adds certain richness to the flavor of your food!

Many people have found that organic, extra virgin coconut oil is actually good as a beauty product. After your nightly cleansing routine, you can put some on your face as a moisturizer. It can be used as an all over body moisturizer as well. Many swear by it, saying that it makes their skin look younger and healthier! Others also use coconut oil as a conditioner for their hair, claiming that the oil makes their hair much healthier.

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