2015 – 52 Week Money Challenge PDF
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52 Week Money Challenge Week 3
It’s time once again for the 52 Week Money Challenge Week 3
Week 3 means you need to put $3 in your jar for a total of $6 bucks.
If you haven’t started yet just download the printables below and make this week your week 1 or put $6 in your jar and catch up to us.
Below download the 52 Week Money Challenge 2014 printable chart.
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Below download the PDF version of the 52 Week Money Challenge 2014 printable chart.
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The 52 Week Money Challenge is a great way to save money for Holidays, Vacations or just to have spare cash on hand.
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Don’t forget to Share on FaceBook, Twitter, G+ and Pinterest and let your Friends and Family know about the 52 Week Money Challenge – Everyone finds this challenge fun.