Digital Scrapbooking Freebies
I have wanted to do a digital scrapbooking freebies post for ages, but getting the digital scrapbooking community on board has been a little tough.
I’ve been pitching them forever, but they are so sceptically and who can blame them with all the scams out there.
When I say “I want to promote your digital scrapbooking website in exchange for some kits that I can use to promote your digital scrapbooking site” I receive very hesitant sounding emails, if any at all, most of them quote the Terms Of Use for using their products.
Again, who can blame them. Digital Scrapbooking sites are ripped off constantly. So I figured I’d do a post and show everyone some of the things my site can do for them. It’s easier than long winded boring explanation that everyone is to busy to read.
So here we are ….
This weeks Digital Scrapbooking Freebies
** First we have this beautiful “Vintage Me – Free Product Sample” from Scrapbooks Gone []
Link: []
** Next we have Pixel Scrapper. []
I’m not exactly sure how Pixel Scrapper works. I know they gave me 25 credits and I think you earn 5 credits a day to put towards free scrapbook items. And if I’m not mistaken you can purchase more credits as you go. However, today I download this for free
** Ok then there is Cool Scraps Digital []
CSD has quite the eclectic collection of digital scrapbooking items. Their freebies this week include a FaceBook freebie (novel idea!) Stars in both Pink and White and a fairy tale arrangement.
LINKS: FaceBook
* Stars
* Fairy Tale
** I’m still waiting to hear from 2 of my other favorite Scrapbooking websites:
Go Digital and Just So Scrappy Too.
Just So Scrappy Too also has Just So Scrappy at Blogspot also and that is a less formal, large catalog style site. I’m not sure it has everything that is in the main site, but it was last updated October 4th 2013, so the owner does keep up with it.
** Now if you are like me and mildly creative and have a working knowledge of photo editing software, but not a superior knowledge, but would like to learn – I found a GREAT Website that sadly hasn’t been updated since 2011. Please Help me encourage Just Creations Tutorials to start blogging again!