Easter Egg Lightening Bugs
These things are so much cuter when you’re not trying to photograph their Butts!
Easter Egg Lightening Bugs is a great craft for children ages 8 and up.
They have to be able to poke holes in the egg with a tack and cut pipe cleaners.
You’ll need:
* Plastic Easter Eggs
* Pipe cleaners
* Googly eyes
* Glue or Hot glue gun
* Tack or Hole puncher
* Scissors or Clipping tool
* Tea light battery operated
* Duct tape or something for wings – paper works
I have the fancy tools, but a tack and scissors work just as well.

Easter Egg Lightening Bugs
All you need to do is punch holes in the side of the Easter egg.
Push pipe cleaners through the holes
The wings are just duct tape stuck to itself with a little extra at the top – I would have rather used silver, but my husband has something against it and won’t allow it in the house.

Easter Egg Lightening Bugs
Glue on some eyes and shove a battery operated tea light in it’s butt

Easter Egg Lightening Bugs