2015 – 52 Week Money Challenge PDF
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52 Week Money Challenge Week 2
It’s time once again to put money in the jar.
Week 2 means $2 in the jar for a grand total of $3!
Hey, that was easy, wasn’t it.
If you haven’t started yet – NOW IS THE TIME! You can make this your week 1 or just catch up.
Grab a jar, coffee can, large mug, anything that can hold something and preferably has a cover, but a cover is not mandatory.
Find a dollar.
Dollars can be located in a wallet, between couch cushions, the car, jeans back pocket, kids bed room, dresser, just about anywhere – I mean it’s a buck! There must be one laying around your place somewhere.
Put the dollar in the jar – and you’re done for this week!
Next week: Next week is week 2. Week 2 means you put $2 in the jar. Week 3 you’ll put $3 in the jar.
Now you may be seeing a pattern emerging here and you’d be right!
Each week you had an extra $1 to your jar.
To keep track of which week you’re (we’re) on printout the handy dandy 52 Week Money Challenge Printable with Calendar! And this year it’s Pretty!!
52 week money challenge 2014 JPG
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52 week money challenge 2014 PDF
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You can start next week or the week after. You can make the first week of February your week 1. So download the printables and pick a week!
Now as promised the 52 Week Dollar Coin Challenge!!
52 Week Money Challenge in 25 Seconds.