2015 – 52 Week Money Challenge PDF
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The 52 Week Money Challenge! #52weekmoneychallenge
Week 21
It’s week 21! Did anyone notice that last week we hit the 200 mark? I DIDN’T! How did I write an entire 52 Week post and not realize that?
This is week 21 so we are putting $21 in the jar – that brings the total up to ….. $231.00!
Wow Saving feels good!
I had a thought. Next year let’s do the week + 50 cents. So it will be 1.50, 2.50, 3.50 Or we could do something crazy like 1.27, 2.27 lol
Anyway, if you haven’t started yet now is the time. Make this week your week one!
Grab a buck and stuff it in a jar! Print out the 52 Week Money Challenge chart to keep track of what where you are.
Download the 2014 – 52 Week Money Challenge Chart
52 week money challenge 2014 PDF
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52 week money challenge 2014
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