Super Bowl Snacks – 7 Layer Taco Salad #superbowl #recipe

This is a Wonderful Super Bowl treat from my friend over at: Plum Crazy About Coupons!
7 Layer Taco Salad! This is sure to be a Super Bowl favorite for years to come.

Taco Salad

1 lb. hamburger

2 cups Shredded Cheddar or Mexican Cheese

2 tomatoes

1 onion

Taco seasoning

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 cup sour cream

Bean Dip ( I use Frito Lay)

Black Olives (optional)

1 bag of tortilla chips (I like the scoops)

Fry hamburger and drain grease. I usually do this the night before so it can cool in refrigerator. It gets layered so it is really easy.

Layer 1 – Bean Dip

Spread bean dip all over bottom of container.

Layer 2 – Mixture

Mix together mayonnaise, sour cream and taco seasoning.

Layer 3 – Hamburger

Spread Hamburger over mixture (cooled)

Layer 4 – Chopped Tomatoes

Chop tomatoes and lay on top of hamburger, you can use more than 2 if you like tomatoes.

Layer 5 – chopped onions

Dice or chop onions small and layer on top of tomatoes.

Layer 6 – black olives (optional, we don’t like them so we skip them)

Layer 7 – Shredded Cheese (I use Mexican finely shredded)

Spread shredded cheese over the onions.

Set out with the Tortilla Chips. I put a spoon in it so people don’t double dip, they can spoon it on a plate for themselves. I have seem some people make it in individual plastic cups so everyone has their own. It would probably look really good in a trifle bowl too.

I write over at Plum Crazy About Coupons and have been blogging since March 2012. My blog started out about saving money while losing weight and now I pretty much blog about everything. Married with 2 sons and 3 grandchildren and another one on the way. Stop over just to say hi!

Elements used to create Featured image Artwork provided by Created by Jill.

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